Welcome, Breanna & Liat

Publish Date: April 13, 2020

Pathfinders is at an exciting point in our history where we are able to bring on additional staff to better serve Milwaukee’s youth. Breanna Adams is one of those additions. Before she began in her position helping youth navigate mental health and substance abuse (as a Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) Care Coordinator), Breanna was a case manager in Pathfinders’ supported housing program. She has served our young people in a few different capacities now. This makes her a very valuable, dynamic part of the team.

Breanna is on track to get her Master’s in Social Work, but when she’s not focused on caring for others, she enjoys exploring fun places in Milwaukee and trying out new Mexican restaurants. We’re thankful that she moved from Nashville last year, landed here and found us!

Liat Mayer, an individual life skills coach who mentors youth with mental health or addiction diagnoses, has also been added to our Clinical Services team. Liat also has a decorated past with Pathfinders…she actually started volunteering at the Shelter when she was 14 years old! Liat graduated with a Master’s in Cultural Anthropology and has been working with at-risk youth for as long as she can remember. She likes working with young people because they keep her on her toes and are “full of surprises and magic”.

In her free time, Liat likes to play with her dog, read and enjoying Milwaukee after some years away. We hope she continues to enjoy it here; she is an important asset to this city and our youth and we’re lucky to have her.

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